Call For Abstracts
Important Dates​
Submission Opens: July 26, 2023
Submission Closes: November 15, 2023
Registration Deadline: November 30, 2023
Conference Dates: January 3-6, 2024.
Call for Abstracts
Submissions are invited for short papers (20-minute oral presentations) or posters along the following themes:
Bioactive materials
Metabolite profiling
Emerging challenges and opportunities in natural products management
The abstract must not exceed one A4 page and adhere to the formatting outlined in the abstract template which is available here for download.
The abstract should be saved as a Microsoft Word Document named as follows: firstname_surname_poster or firstname_surname_oral. Submit through the Online Submission System.
Poster Dimensions
Posters should be no more than 120 cm x 90 cm (4 ft x 3 ft) portrait orientation